
Since the early 2000s, I have helped others with web design and development—as well as graphic design—through my company, Vistasmith. While doing full-time web development work, I stopped taking on new clients. I have still helped long-term clients from time to time, and have done long-term contract front-end development work at times.

My goals with Vistasmith—as with all of my work—has been to help create clear communications that connect people not just with information, but in a way where they can see the possibilities they are seeking.

I work with clients and teams to ensure their vision becomes a reality, crafting solutions that as many people as possible can access, regardless of their device, screen size, connection speed and bandwidth, abilities or disabilities. Building a web that works for everyone is the right thing to do, and it leads to better sites in myriad ways that benefit everyone.

A little bit here and there, and suddenly the whole thing shines a little brighter.